Animal Welfare Network Aotearoa

Mission statement

The mission of the Animal Welfare Network Aotearoa (AWNA) is to facilitate connection of a network of animal welfare stakeholders that will provide a forum for open discussion and information exchange.


AWNA will advance knowledge and understanding of animal welfare in Aotearoa New Zealand.

AWNA advances animal welfare knowledge through facilitating collaboration and connection of organisations and individuals with an interest and expertise in animal welfare, both nationally and internationally.


AWNA will:

  1. provide a forum for members to share and discuss matters of relevance
  2. provide a conduit for networking and relationship development, including access to relevant experts in animal welfare
  3. support and enhance Aotearoa New Zealand’s animal welfare reputation by continually improving Aotearoa New Zealand’s animal welfare outcomes and public knowledge of animal welfare
  4. promote a New Zealand-centric approach to animal welfare issues by:
    1. embracing diverse views
    2. openness and transparency
    3. sharing of knowledge
    4. applying scientific principles.

Read our terms of reference


The New Zealand Veterinary Association Te Pae Kīrehe (NZVA) coordinates meetings for several organisations that have traditionally been linked to animal welfare issues, including AWNA (previously known as the Animal Behaviour and Welfare Consultative Committee).

In 2022, ABWCC was renamed Animal Welfare Network Aotearoa (AWNA). There are currently between 40 and 45 organisations involved in biannual meetings/workshops which facilitate connection of a larger network of animal welfare stakeholders and provide a forum for open discussion and information exchange.

AWNA provides an excellent networking opportunity and insight into the latest innovations, challenges and opportunities in the animal arena in Aotearoa. AWNA is not funded; member organisations are asked, when viable, to support the network via catering, venue sponsorship or sub-committee support.

AWNA meets in person twice a year at key locations around New Zealand. Meeting notes are distributed around the member representatives and the speakers. These notes are available to all members within the organisations.

Committee members

Richard Wild
AWNA Chair
Ministry for Primary Industries

Vanessa Borman
AWNA Coordinator

Kirsty Chidgey
NZ Pork

Arnya Dale

Kat Dwyer
Sentient Animal Law Foundation

Kat Littlewood

Lindsay Matthews
Matthews Research International

Tracey Reynolds

Mairi Stewart
New Zealand Animal Welfare Science Network

Jim Webster