Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Branch


The Epidemiology, Food Safety, Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Branch of the NZVA represents veterinary professionals interested in the use and development of epidemiological methods and their application within veterinary science in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is focused on animal health and welfare, biosecurity, epidemiology, food safety, government assurances, public health, quality assurance and standard setting.


To be seen as a resource for issues of animal welfare, food safety and biosecurity for all members of the NZVA, and to encourage branch members to ensure their care and management of animals is informed and of a high standard.

We do this by:

  • Representing professionals within the veterinary industry interested in the use and development of epidemiological methods and their application within veterinary science in New Zealand, as well those working in areas of food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity.
  • Imparting knowledge and providing support to encourage branch members to ensure their care and management of animals is informed and of a high standard.
  • Advancing knowledge in epidemiology, animal health and welfare, biosecurity, food safety, government assurances, public health, quality assurance antimicrobial stewardship and standard setting.
  • Sharing knowledge with organisations that need help or guidance in our areas of expertise, and advocating for food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity causes.


Membership is included for NZVA members as part of your annual subscription fee. Sign up when you join or renew your membership or email membership@vets.org.nz.


The branch is operated by a voluntary committee of passionate veterinarians coming from varied backgrounds. Their collective aim is to support and provide all members of the branch with opportunities that enhance members’ professional skills and development.

Position currently vacant

Vice President
Alison Bober

Mark Bosson

Position currently vacant

Immediate Past President
Scott McDougall


  • Chris Compton
  • David Dymock
  • William Halliday
  • Amira Mikhail
  • Dallas New

Contact us

You can get in touch with our committee at efab@vets.org.nz, or through the NZVA office.