Read about recent events, essential information and the latest community news.
1972 Reunion
A good turnout of 35 people enjoyed a memorable reunion at the end of March in Whanganui which was organised by Dave and Lorraine Taylor.
1964/65 Reunion
Last month, a reunion of the veterinary students’ intake of 1964 and 1965 took place.
NZVA Awards 2021
Each year, the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) proudly recognises significant accomplishments, exemplary leadership and tireless commitment to our veterinary community. Nominations are now …Request for samples for molecular survey of the canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) in New Zealand
During 2021, MSD Animal Health and Massey University are collaborating on a parvovirus study: ‘A Molecular Survey of Canine Parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) in New Zealand’. The aim of this study is to estimate the relative prevalence of parvovirus subtypes in naturally infected New Zealand dogs.
Theilera equi response
A declaration of New Zealand’s freedom from the equine blood disease Theilera equi was recently posted on the World Organisation for Animal Health’s (OIE) website.
Read more about 'Successful outcome of Theilera equi response'...

NZVA photo competition
We have really enjoyed seeing all your photo submissions so far, so much so we've decided to extend the competition! That's right, keep up the great work, get your phones, cameras out and get snapping…Read more about 'The NZVA photo competition closes 28 February'...
Remember to vaccinate your puppies against parvovirus! Parvovirus (‘parvo’) is a highly contagious, viral disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract of dogs.
Read more about 'Has your puppy been vaccinated against parvovirus?'...
Sportmix recall
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) have advised us New Zealand is one of the countries potentially impacted by the Midwestern Pet Foods, Inc recall of some of its Sportmix pet food pro…Read more about 'Voluntary recall of some Sportmix pet food products'...
Canine cough epidemic in NZ
Latest news about immigration and veterinarians
As a result of the NZVA lobbying efforts, supported by VCNZ, as well as recent correspondence from Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI), we are pleased to announce that MBIE and Immigration NZ have formed the below view regarding the state of the veterinary profession in New Zealand.
Read more about 'Latest news about immigration and veterinarians'...