Elizabeth Veterinary Benevolent Fund (EVBF)

The Elizabeth Veterinary Benevolent (EVBF) is designed to support veterinarians and veterinary teams to create personal and workplace wellbeing solutions.


The fund was established in 1954 and registered as a charitable trust in 1960. It was modeled on the Victoria Fund, a successful scheme by the British Veterinary Association. Our very first benefactor was Allan Leslie, a pioneer of the Veterinary Club movement in New Zealand, who donated proceeds from the sale of his instruments.


The main purpose of the EVBF is to support veterinarians and veterinary team members during difficult times by funding counselling sessions with Vitae’s Employee Assistance Service. The EVBF has had a long relationship with Vitae and many veterinarians have benefited from their excellent counselling services over the years. Vitae’s employee assistance specialists provide experienced support and help create personal and workplace wellbeing solutions for veterinarians and their teams.

The EVBF is not able to offer significant financial contributions to individuals in need, however in some circumstances the EVBF will provide a token of support.

Key contributors

The EVBF is funded through donations and legacies, including annual contributions from the NZVA and the Veterinary Council of New Zealand. The cost of providing our services continues to increase.

You can help

For more information or to support The Elizabeth Veterinary Benevolent Fund, please call us on 04 471 0484 or email nzva@vets.org.nz.