Category: Other


Read about recent events, essential information and the latest community news.

Veterinary drug pentobarbitone stolen in Palmerston North

Police are investigating the theft of a powerful veterinary drug, pentobarbitone, which was stolen from a vehicle in Palmerston North on 3 November 2022.

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Milk withholding period for abamectin pour-on products changed from NIL to 35 days

The withholding period on these products has been extended from NIL to 35 days to ensure milk residues will be below the lower milk maximum residue level (MRL) coming into force on 19 September 2022.

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MPI reminds farmers stock transport companies are checking NAIT declarations
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is reminding farmers that stock transport companies are checking their cattle and deer are tagged and registered under the National Animal Identification and …

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Changes to milk withholding periods for abamectin-only pour-on products
From MPI and New Zealand Food Safety The milk withholding periods for abamectin-only pour-on products are changing from nil to 35 days. This withholding period change is necessary to comply with the …

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Overseas outbreak of foot and mouth disease

Biosecurity New Zealand is closely monitoring the foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in Malaysia, China and Indonesia. Although there is a low risk of FMD entering New Zealand, it is important to follow all biosecurity rules to keep our country safe.

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