Category: NZVA news


Read about recent events, essential information and the latest community news.

Non-urgent veterinary appointments on hold until COVID-19 levels reduce

According to two of Aotearoa’s key veterinary organisations, the Veterinary Council of New Zealand (VCNZ) and the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA), COVID-19 restrictions have changed how animals, as well as people, receive healthcare.

Read more about 'Non-urgent veterinary appointments on hold until COVID-19 levels reduce'...

NZVA members COVID-19 update: 24 August 2021

In this update:

  • Essential-care-only approach until Friday
  • Business support and wage subsidies
  • Update on Tracing Requirements
  • Essential service providers’ vaccinations

Reminders from previous updates:

  • Non-compliance with VCNZ expectations
  • NZVA Veterinary Service Provision Advice - V10
  • VCNZ & NZVA statement on operating veterinary services at AL 3 and 4

Read more about 'NZVA members COVID-19 update: 24 August 2021'...

NZVA members COVID-19 update: 20 August 2021

In this update:

  • Routine procedures – further advice from VCNZ
  • Non-compliance with VCNZ expectations
  • Essential service providers’ vaccinations
  • NZVA Veterinary Service Provision Advice - V10
  • VCNZ & NZVA statement on operating veterinary services at AL 3 and 4

Read more about 'NZVA members COVID-19 update: 20 August 2021'...

NZVA members COVID-19 update: 19 August 2021

In this update:

  • Routine procedures
  • Correction: Exotic Pest and Disease Hotline number
  • Essential service providers' vaccinations
  • NZVA Veterinary Service Provision Advice - V10
  • VCNZ & NZVA statement on operating veterinary services at AL 3 and 4

Read more about ' NZVA members COVID-19 update: 19 August 2021'...

NZVA members COVID-19 update: 18 August 2021

In this update:

  • VCNZ & NZVA statement on operating veterinary services at COVID-19 Alert Levels 3 and 4
  • NZVA Veterinary Service Provision Advice - V10
  • VCNZ telemedicine update

Read more about 'NZVA members COVID-19 update: 18 August 2021'...

Update on border exceptions and MIQ

In June the government announced 50 general practice veterinarians would be allowed to enter the country with a border exception. The NZVA have been working with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Immigration NZ (INZ) to ensure a robust process is in place.

Read more about 'Update on border exceptions and MIQ'...

Veterinary Association echoes concerns about feral cats used for rabbit control

The New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) has added its voice to the concerns already expressed by the Central Otago community and Predator Free NZ about feral cats being released onto rural properties in an attempt to manage rabbit and rodent populations.

Read more about 'Veterinary Association echoes concerns about feral cats used for rabbit control'...

Update on companion animal dentistry and Significant Surgical Procedures

98th Annual General Meeting

The 98th NZVA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Wednesday 16 June. Member subscriptions were confirmed for 2022 and will stay at the same amount as 2021. The constitutional changes were passed with more than two thirds voting for the changes as presented.

Read more about '98th Annual General Meeting'...