
Read about recent events, essential information and the latest community news.

Veterinary shortage – confirmation of border exception application process

Following on from the Government’s decision to grant 50 border exceptions to veterinarians, the New Zealand Veterinary Association has been working with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to determine the process for these exceptions.

To ensure a robust process is followed and that all veterinarians meet the outlined criteria, MPI have requested that the NZVA manage applications.

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Veterinary border class exception announcement helps fill the gap

The New Zealand Veterinary Association is delighted and thanks the Ministers of Agriculture and Immigration for their announcement today that the government has granted a border class exception for an additional 50 general practice veterinarians to enter the country.

This will help alleviate the critical shortage of veterinarians that has been made worse by the border restrictions imposed due to COVID-19.

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Veterinary shortage update: border class exception announcement

Following considerable advocacy from the NZVA, Cabinet have approved a border class exception for up to 50 general practice veterinarians (companion animal, equine, large animal and mixed veterinarians) to enter the country. These exceptions are in addition to the 30 received in August 2020 for large and mixed animal veterinarians.

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Benchmarking surveys for New Zealand Veterinary Practices

NZVA members have been asking for quality benchmarking data to help them make better business decisions. The Veterinary Business Branch (VBB), supported by NZVA, have partnered with BBVet to run a series of benchmarking surveys.

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98th NZVA AGM: Annual report and proposed constitution changes available

The 98th Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Veterinary Association will take place via zoom on 16 June 2021 at 5pm.

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Exclusive member benefit: NZVA Animal Welfare Hub!

We are excited to announce your latest NZVA member benefit, the Animal Welfare Hub! The Animal Welfare Hub has all the resources you need to keep yourself well informed about animal welfare science and to effectively lead conversations about animal welfare with clients.

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Retired Network Gathering – Wellington

A small group of Retired Network members met at the Foxglove Bar, Queens Wharf, Wellington on Wednesday 14 April. This was a chance for members to engage with new and old colleagues. Stories were told, memories revived, rumours dealt with and new contacts made.

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Wiggles strike a sour note with veterinarians
Saturday 24 April marks World Veterinary Day and this year New Zealand veterinarians find themselves facing another year of significant stress and challenging workloads. There are many reasons for th…

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NZVA accepts live export ban is consistent with animal welfare science

The New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) is not surprised by the government’s decision to ban live exports by sea and believes the two- year transition period is pragmatic for businesses in the sector.

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1972 Reunion

A good turnout of 35 people enjoyed a memorable reunion at the end of March in Whanganui which was organised by Dave and Lorraine Taylor.

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