Policy: Teat occlusion

Policy type: Policy
Reference: 5f
Status: Current
Date ratified: November 2018


The NZVA opposes the practice of occluding the teat canal as a method of managing any form of mastitis, or for farm management reasons and consider this practice to be an act of cruelty which warrants prosecution.


Occlusion is defined as any physical process which leads to a permanent blocking of the teat canal. This includes the application of any rubber ring or other device which might lead to physical occlusion of the canal.


The NZVA is not opposed to any treatment or infusion which aids the development of fibrosis or facilitates the healing of an infected quarter, provided it is given under the direct supervision of a veterinary surgeon with provision of appropriate and adequate pain relief. Such a treatment result in eventual occlusion of the teat canal.

The NZVA is not opposed to the surgical amputation of a teat in an attempt to improve drainage or relieve suffering as long as this is under direct veterinary supervision, with provision of appropriate and adequate pain relief.


Animal Welfare Act 1999

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