Policy: Cattle parturition induction

Policy type: Policy
Reference: 5k
Status: Current
Date ratified: May 2019


The New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) does not support the routine induction of parturition in cattle.

Premature induction of cattle should only be carried out if treatment is justified for the animal’s welfare, in which case it can be undertaken at a veterinarian’s discretion.

Veterinary discretion

Induction for medical or welfare reasons (eg. hydrops, fetal oversize) on an individual cow basis may be undertaken at the discretion of a registered veterinarian with a current annual practicing certificate. In such cases, the veterinarian must be able to justify use under the Veterinary Council of New Zealand (VCNZ) Code of Professional Conduct (CoPC).

Veterinarians should note that failure to comply with the VCNZ CoPC in relation to using veterinary medicines may result in a complaint being made to VCNZ and/or a Ministry for Primary Industries investigation under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act or the Animal Welfare Act.

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