Placing a classified

Jobs and classified options

The NZVA offer a range of advertising options for jobs available in the veterinary profession.

Online only: Your advert will feature on our website for 30 days.

Early web and VetScript: Your advert will feature on the website as soon as possible, be placed in the next available VetScript, and remain online until the end of the month of the VetScript issue (eg if we receive the advert in February, it will be go online, be published in the April VetScript and remain online until the end of April).

VetScript and online: Your advert will feature in the classified section of the next VetScript issue and on our website for 30 days from the 1st of the month. Booking and material deadline for a classified/online advert is the 1st of the month previous. VetScript is published six times a year (February, April, June, August, October and December).

Early web and late classified: Your advert will feature on the website immediately. If you miss the normal classified deadline, you can opt for our late classified insert of the next VetScript issue. Booking and material deadline for a late classified/online advert is the 20th of the previous month.

Late classified and online: If you miss the normal classified deadline, you can opt for our late classified insert of the next VetScript issue and on our website for 30 days from the 1st of the month. Booking and material deadline for a late classified/online advert is the 20th of the month previous.

Marketplace: Your marketplace advert will feature in the classified section of the next VetScript issue and on our website for 30 days.

Style notes

Please read our Classified style notes to ensure your premium classifieds adhere to VetScript's style and standard guidelines. Please note that the editor reserves the right to send the classified back and request changes to ensure these standards are met.

Pricing and deadlines

You can find current pricing and deadlines in our Media Kit (pages 10-11).

How to place a classified

To place a classified advert, please email a Word document and logo to Please include the type of advert you would like to place (eg online only, VetScript classified, late classified or marketplace).

A member of the NZVA team will be in touch once we receive your classified submission.

Contact or call us on 04 471 0484.