Category: NZVA news


Read about recent events, essential information and the latest community news.

Transport certification: important updates

We've had a few important things pop up about certifying livestock for transport recently. Are you referring to the latest advice?

Read more about ' Transport certification: important updates'...

Official Notice of Business: 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA)

Notice is hereby given for the 97th Annual General Meeting of the New Zealand Veterinary Association Incorporated.

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97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board elections

The NZVA Board have set the date for the 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. 

Read more about ' 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board elections'...

Veterinarian Dr Vince Peterson named Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit

Timaru veterinarian Dr Vince Peterson was named a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2020 Queen's Birthday Honours list.

Read more about ' Veterinarian Dr Vince Peterson named Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit'...

Equine exports suspended due to suspect positive test for piroplasmosis

The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has suspended all equine exports into or via Australia with immediate effect.

Read more about 'Equine exports suspended due to suspect positive test for piroplasmosis'...

NZVA media release: ANZACs and Veterinarians worldwide share special day

The New Zealand Veterinary Corps was formed in 1907 during WW1 and despite being overwhelmed by a large number of animals they had to treat including horses, dogs and carrier pigeons, delivered outstanding service with only 2 per cent of animals succumbing to illness or disease.  

Read more about 'NZVA media release: ANZACs and Veterinarians worldwide share special day'...