Category: NZVA media release


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New Zealand Veterinary Association presents poultry industry with leadership award in battle against AMR

In recognition of its work in reducing antibiotic use in chickens, the Poultry Industry Association of New Zealand (PIANZ) has won the New Zealand Veterinary Association Te Pae Kīrehe (NZVA) Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Award. It is the first time the award has been won by an industry body.

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French bulldog
NZVA joins international experts raising awareness about the impact of extreme body conformations on canine health and welfare

Dog owners are being encouraged to think carefully before choosing a pet with extreme conformations – protruding eyes, deep skin folds, and twisted legs - that can lead to long-term suffering and costly veterinary bills. 

Read more about 'NZVA joins international experts raising awareness about the impact of extreme body conformations on canine health and welfare '...

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Celebrating the essential role of Aotearoa’s vets this World Veterinary Day

To mark World Veterinary Day, the New Zealand Veterinary Association Te Pae Kīrehe (NZVA) is celebrating the country’s veterinarians and the important role they play across the globe in keeping both animals and humans safe.


Read more about 'Celebrating the essential role of Aotearoa’s vets this World Veterinary Day'...

Easter hot cross buns
Keep dogs away from human treats this Easter to prevent emergency treatment

If chocolate, hot cross buns, and Easter egg hunts are on your agenda this long weekend, make sure they are kept well away from your dog to help avoid an urgent trip to the emergency veterinarian.

Read more about 'Keep dogs away from human treats this Easter to prevent emergency treatment'...

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Don’t put off puppy vaccinations as parvovirus cases surge - NZVA

As veterinarians report seeing a significant increase in the number of parvovirus cases, the New Zealand Veterinary Association Te Pae Kīrehe (NZVA) is calling on puppy owners to prioritise essential vaccinations to prevent heartbreak.

Read more about 'Don’t put off puppy vaccinations as parvovirus cases surge - NZVA'...

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Warning to seek emergency veterinary care if dogs consume toxic karaka berries

The New Zealand Veterinary Association Te Pae Kīrehe (NZVA) is urging animal owners to be on the lookout for highly toxic karaka berries, as the tree's fruiting season intensifies between January and April.

Read more about 'Warning to seek emergency veterinary care if dogs consume toxic karaka berries'...

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Pet emergency care focus of new campaign

‘Animal Emergency? Think P.E.T’, which is being launched ahead of the summer holidays, asks owners to follow three simple steps if their pet is sick or hurt and their vet clinic is closed.

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Protecting antibiotics: prevention better than cure

The New Zealand Veterinary Association Te Pae Kīrehe (NZVA) is calling on animal owners to work with their veterinarian to keep animals healthy and help prevent drug-resistant infections developing.

Read more about 'Protecting antibiotics: prevention better than cure'...

Prioritise animal welfare over entertainment this Guy Fawkes’ weekend - NZVA

The public sale of fireworks is again being called into question as veterinarians, animal welfare organisations, and pet owners brace for the impact of fireworks displays this week.

Read more about 'Prioritise animal welfare over entertainment this Guy Fawkes’ weekend - NZVA'...

Responsible dog ownership urged as reported canine attacks on the rise

The New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) is calling on dog owners to be aware of their responsibilities and take all measures to ensure their pets are safe and can be trusted around other people and animals.

Read more about 'Responsible dog ownership urged as reported canine attacks on the rise'...