Position statements
NZVA position statements and guidelines
Our guidelines and position statements are backed by science. They outline our agreed principles and provide a platform from which the NZVA can advocate for the profession to influence legislation, and educate our members and the public.
If you need more information on a particular topic, please contact nzva@vets.org.nz.
- Policy: Flight Restriction in Birds
- Policy: Intensive housing systems for laying hens
- Bobby calves and restricted veterinary medicines, including dry cow therapy (Policy)
- Bull mating ability testing (Position Statement)
- Care and management of bobby calves (Position Statement)
- Cattle disbudding and dehorning (Policy)
- Cattle parturition induction (Policy)
- Cattle tail docking (Policy)
- Freeze branding in cattle (Guideline)
- Intra-ruminal Injection (Policy)
- Production animal embryo transfer (Policy)
- Teat Occlusion (Policy)
- Ultrasound trans-rectal pregnancy examinations (Policy)
- Behaviour modifying collar use on dogs (Policy)
- Cat and dog desexing (Policy)
- Cat and dog desexing (Member Technical Note)
- Companion Animal Selective Breeding (Position Statement)
- Euthanasia of Cats and Dogs (Policy)
- Euthanasia of Cats and Dogs (Member Technical Note)
- Euthanasia or Destruction of Stray Cats (Position Statement)
- Euthanasia or Destruction of Stray Cats (Member Technical Note)
- First Digit Amputation in Dogs (Policy)
- Freeze branding of dogs (Guideline)
- Greyhound Industry (Position Statement)
- Greyhound Industry (Guideline)
- Reducing the Negative Impacts of Extreme Conformations on Dog Health and Welfare (Joint Position Statement)
- Renal Transplantation in Cats (Guideline)
- Responsible Companion Cat Ownership (Policy)
- Responsible Companion Cat Ownership (Member Technical Note)
- Responsible Dog Ownership (Position Statement)
- Responsible Dog Ownership (Member Technical Note)
- Safe Dogs (Position Statement)
- Surgical artificial insemination in dogs (Position Statement)
- Surgical artificial insemination in dogs (Guideline)
- Vaccine Use in Cats and Dogs (Policy)
- Vaccine Use in Cats and Dogs (Member Technical Note)
- Velvet antler removal (Policy)
- Bleeders (exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage) (Policy)
- Distal Limb Neurectomy of Horses (Position Statement)
- Equine Dentistry (Position Statement)
- Equine Dentistry (Guideline)
- Firing of Horses’ Legs (Policy)
- Medication of Performance Horses (Position Statement)
- Per Rectal Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnosis of Horses (Position Statement)
- Racing Two-Year Old Horses (Position Statement)
- Use Of Whips in Racing and Other Equestrian Events (Policy)
- Housing of growing pigs (post-weaning) (Position Statement)
- Housing of lactating sows indoors (Position Statement)
- Sow housing at mating (Position Statement)
- Castration of Cryptorchids (Policy)
- Electro-immobilisation (Policy)
- Leptospirosis (Policy)
- Pain and Its Alleviation (Policy)
- Permanent identification (Policy)
- Microchip technology for radio frequency identification of animals (Guideline)
- Database storage of microchip information for animals (Guideline)
- Rodeo (Position Statement)
- Rodeo Veterinarians (Recommended Best Practice)
- Sale and Use of Fireworks (Position Statement)
- Sentience (Position Statement)
- Surgical alteration to the natural state of animals (Policy)
- Use of 1080 for pest control (Position Statement)
- Wild and feral mammal control (Policy)
- Copper (Policy)
- Selenium (Policy)
- Judicious use of antimicrobials (Policy)
- Judicious use of antimicrobials (Guideline)
- Veterinary Authorisation and Dispensing (Recommended Best Bractice)
- Clinical records and radiographs (Guideline)
- Employment of new veterinary graduates (Policy)
- Employment of new veterinary graduates (Guideline)
- Referrals (Policy)
- Use of complementary and alternative treatments by veterinarians (Policy)
- Veterinary practice newsletters (Policy)
- Working with non-veterinarians (Position Statement)
- Working with non-veterinarians (Member Technical Note)
- Equine dentistry (Member Technical Note)
- Large Animal Veterinary Technicians Professional Guidelines
- Live export of ruminants by sea (Position Statement)
- Transport of Livestock (Policy)
- Transport of Livestock (Member Technical Note)
- One Health (Position Statement)
- One Health (Member Technical Note)