Policy: Whip use in racing and equestrian events

Policy type: Policy
: 10a
: Current
Date ratified
: November 2018


Excessive or inappropriate use of a whip on any horse, either in competition or training, is not acceptable practice.


  • The NZVA recognises the need, in certain circumstances, for a rider or driver to use a whip to control or guide a horse.
  • The NZVA recognises that the whip is used to make horses perform more competitively, however it is also aware of ongoing research questioning whether whip use will result in improving a horse’s performance (Evans and McGreevy 2011).
  • The NZVA supports racing authorities and other equestrian bodies in their efforts to eliminate excessive or inappropriate use of the whip.


Evans D, McGreevy P. An Investigation of Racing Performance and Whip Use by Jockeys in Thoroughbred Races. PLoS ONE 6(1): e15622, 2011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015622.

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