NZVA's climate change journey

In 2022, the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) began exploring ways we can support climate change action. The climate change emergency is intrinsically linked to One Health and environmental sustainability, which is one of our member priorities.

In 2023, we engaged Ekos to help us calculate our carbon footprint between 1 January and 31 December 2022. The numbers below have been audited by Ekos; we have also estimated figures for 2023 and 2024. 

Activity CO2 tonnes CO2 percentage
Business travel 48.03 84%
Fuel and energy related emissions 5.13 9%
Purchased electricity 2.52 4%
Staff commuting 0.83 1%
Business waste 0.62 1%
Total emissions 57.13  
Emissions intensity
(total emissions divided by FTE)
FTE 15  

Download our Carbon Conscious Business Operations certificate from Ekos

We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions and our impact on the environment. This includes: 

  • measuring our carbon footprint and identifying ways to reduce it
  • reducing waste at our head office and at NZVA events
  • reusing and recycling materials whenever possible
  • getting rid of plastic nametag holders at our annual conference
  • hosting one to two Board meetings a year online to reduce the amount of transportation required
  • encouraging special interest branches to reduce their transport emissions by hosting more meetings online
  • printing VetScript on paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
  • investigating renewable energy suppliers.

Every year, South Wairarapa Veterinary Services holds a tree planting day where staff and suppliers get together to plant native trees at the QEII covenant in Carterton.

Our Chief Executive, Kevin Bryant, joined the group for the 2023 tree planting day where they planted a total of 4,500 native seedlings! You can watch the video from the 2023 planting day (featuring an interview with Kevin) below.

In 2024, our Accountant, Stephanie Smith, and CPD Technical Advisor, Felicity Jefferies, helped plant 1,500 wetland species at the covenant.
Felicity Jefferies and Stephanie Smith prepare for a day of planting native trees.

Felicity Jefferies and Stephanie Smith prepare for a day of planting native trees.

Jane Ough planting native seedlings at the QEII covenant in Carterton.

Jane Ough planting native seedlings at the QEII covenant in Carterton.

NZVA environmental sustainability updates

Last edited Dec 16, 2024, 12:23 PM
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