2025 VetScript New Zealand Subscription
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If you are eligible to be a member of the NZVA you can not purchase a print subscription of VetScript. Please contact nzva@vets.org.nz if you need clarification.
Vetscript is a bi-monthly publication (February, April, June, August, October, December) that reflects the views and interests of veterinarians in New Zealand.
Written with New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) members in mind, it contains news, opinions, political and technical information as well as classified advertisements.
Vetscript is friendly and accessible, and has been described as New Zealand’s best-read veterinary publication.
While Vetscript is a member benefit, subscriptions are also available to non-members on an annual basis.
Order online or download the VetScript New Zealand Subscription order form and send to subscriptions@vets.org.nz