Updates to the NZVA Fitness for Transport Veterinary Certification Form 

Published on 27 February 2025.

The NZVA Fitness for Transport Veterinary Certification form has been updated following discussions with MPI Verification Services (VS) veterinarians. These updates address concerns about the movement of vet-certified animals to processors unable to receive them due to facility restrictions or contractual limitations. Examples of where this may be appropriate include where the closest slaughter premises: 

  • are not currently processing that class of stock  
  • does not have processing space available in the timeframe the animal needs to be slaughtered (e.g. where the condition of the animal may deteriorate)  
  • does not have facilities appropriate to receive the animal (e.g. cannot process large-frame animals) 

Key changes 

  • End destination: The wording has been adjusted from “must be sent to the closest processor” to “should be sent to the closest processor” to allow for necessary welfare considerations. The name of the processor must now be included. 
  • Location information: The estimated distance from the farm to the processor must now be recorded. 
  • Veterinary signature: All alterations to the form must be signed by the certifying veterinarian. The only change is the statement has been capitalised and centred for visibility. 
  • Tick box: A yes/no tick box has been added to the last circled area, with no changes to the wording. 

Background and rationale for changes 

MPI Verification Services veterinarians raised concerns about certified animals arriving at processors unable to receive them, either due to facility restrictions or lack of contractual arrangements with the owner. Under current legislation, processors are not required to accept animals directed to them by a veterinary certificate. This has led to situations where animals must be euthanised in the yards, causing delays, additional labour for staff and potential welfare compromises. 

To mitigate these issues, MPI Verification Services has updated their processor maps to highlight facility-specific restrictions. Veterinarians should continue to aim for the closest appropriate processor, ensuring it can receive that type of animal. If the nearest processor is unsuitable, veterinarians must assess the impact of a longer journey on animal welfare. If the risk is deemed acceptable, they must contact the MPI VS veterinarian at the receiving processor to explain the reason for bypassing the closest processor. NZVA members can access a list of VS veterinarians’ contact numbers at each processing facility. 

Additionally, veterinarians must now document both the processor name and the estimated distance the animal will travel. Consideration should also be given to the nature of the journey, including road conditions, as steep and winding roads may pose additional welfare risks. 

Lastly, there have been reports of unauthorised alterations to veterinary certificates after they were signed. To prevent this, the statement requiring all changes to be signed by the certifying veterinarian has been relocated to a central position on the form and capitalised for clarity. 

These updates are designed to improve clarity, compliance and animal welfare. Please ensure you are using the most current version of the form. 

For further information or to access MPI processor maps and VS veterinarian contact lists, please visit nzva.org.nz/clinical-resources/general/fitness/