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Welcome to MyCPD
As part of your NZVA membership, we've made keeping track of your continuing professional development (CPD) activity easy. With MyCPD, you can:
- create a CPD record based on your learning objectives
- record all CPD activities you do with the NZVA and external providers
- share your CPD plans and activities with colleagues and mentors
- access, print or email your CPD record whenever you like (perfect for when VCNZ asks for your CPD record or when you're applying for jobs!)
Using MyCPD
Download the revised MyCPD user guide for instructions on creating and sharing your MyCPD records and plans.
VCNZ's CPD framework
In April 2011, the Veterinary Council of New Zealand (VCNZ) made it mandatory for veterinarians to engage in CPD activity to meet new registration requirements. The current framework requires that you:
- develop a CPD plan
- complete and record the activities applicable to your plan
- review your CPD plan
Under the new VCNZ reporting requirements, veterinairans record CPD activities to meet an identified learning need.
To learn more about the VCNZ changes and requirements, you can visit their Continuing Professional Development page.
Area of competence examples
Professional identity |
Clinical knowledge |
Technical skills |
Critical reasoning |
Personal wellbeing |